Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Use your words...

I have now been in Fes for arba wa ashreen hours.  It is a fantastic place, and I have barely left my funduq.  I got in yesterday, and el matar seemed more to me like a small mission or a private airport.  My taxi driver was enthusiastic to see me and didn't speak any English.  He drove a Mercedes.

By the way, the stories are true.  Lanes are more guidelines and drivers have right of way.  The second the light turns green you honk and honk.  I wasn't really worried being in the car, we were going pretty slow, I was most worried because I didn't have any dirhams on me, just American dollars.  So, we arrive and I tell the taxi to wait for me to get change.  Keep in mind, I had been travelling for 28 straight hours with minimal sleep.  So I leave all of my luggage in his car, and don't realize what a stupid idea that was until I'm in the hotel checking-in.  Luckily, he kindly waited and took me to a "cash automatic."  I gave him 200dh (the ride was 120dh) in thanks of his not robbing me blind.

At one point he blocked traffic to let me out.  The streets are narrow, especially when there are cars parking on either side of the street, and as he was moving to the other side of the car, he kissed both of his hands and extended them outward, blowing them to the honking car.  It made me laugh.

This is the elevator outside of my room.

Seemingly everything is designed this way, perfect symmetry with ornate shapes and colors, beautifully carved with mostly blue and green tones.  Like this couch outside my door:

Or this window, also outside my door:

Anyway, I'm waiting on my group to arrive and then I'll have orientations and what-not tomorrow.  I'm quite excited.

Oh and I just had my first full meal.  I'm not sure what the big deal is about olives here, but they're pretty tasty.  Today I had harrira, a common soup dish here, and lamb, and whiskey morrocain, the country's drink of mint tea.  It was delicious.

Akayaoon Arbee


  1. Your Arabic is already impressive. Numbers drove me crazy for probably 4 months, but it looks like day one, you got it down.
    Like the pictures :)

  2. haha, you'd be surprised. i'm staring down my "Rough Guide to Morocco" book
